Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sweet Kiss

Today I was babysitting my friend Kristen’s youngest daughter Sara who is 2 .  She is sweet, and the Lord set her and I up today. She and I were lying on the couch watching cartoons and she reached over and started rubbing my hand and arm. During her holding my hand I had a million things brewing in my head about getting my U-Haul for moving, money, saying bye to people, what the Lord has for me in Chattanooga and nine million more to go. But he second she held my hand everything in my crazy mind stopped and he said,
 “I got you, and I love you” that was just what I needed from the Lord, So sweet.
It was a touch from my father that will never be forgotten, well I say that and I could be lying.  He has given me so many kisses and I forget them all the time.  Do you forget what the Lord does for you?  Do you write them down? Do you thank Him? Do YOU love on the Lord?
Every day I think of my two kids in heaven dancing with the Lord, saying
“Dad, love on my mom today.”
Crazy to some people but to others, just a personal relationship that I have with Him, so when I ask these questions I am really asking myself, do I remember? Do I write them down?  Do I love on him?
The answer for me is, no.  Guess I am going to start a new journal!!

Have a Good night! Pray for a smooth move Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Reading this a little late, but thanks again for sharing so openly. Hope Chattanooga is going good.
