Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A helpless rabbit in a pack of snarling dogs

Psalm 124

A Pilgrim Song of David
1-5 If God hadn't been for us —all together now, Israel, sing out!—
If God hadn't been for us
when everyone went against us,
We would have been swallowed alive
by their violent anger,
Swept away by the flood of rage,
drowned in the torrent;
We would have lost our lives
in the wild, raging water.

6 Oh, blessed be God!
He didn't go off and leave us.
He didn't abandon us defenseless,
helpless as a rabbit in a pack of snarling dogs.

7 We've flown free from their fangs,
free of their traps, free as a bird.
Their grip is broken;
we're free as a bird in flight.

8 God's strong name is our help,
the same God who made heaven and earth.

My sweet friend gave me this from the message, I was spinning out and not knowing what happened.  I was "doing so good" then it hit me.  Faster than light, I was all over the place. 
Doing good is a easy way of saying that I was flying under the radar.  I was hiding out secretly and not being present in what He was wanting out of me. 
Drama hit the fan and went everywhere.  I kept talking about it and that didn't make it go away, all that did was water the bush of disaster. 
I went to everyone that would listen and give me advice.  But really I didn't call it what it was. THE ENEMY ATTACKING and the advice I really needed was His, but as we all do I chose to not go to Him first!
I finally got really tired of fighting with the Lord and listened to what he was trying to teach me. 
I am in the season of learning and soaking.  It is a sweet season, but difficult for me to understand because my flesh wants instant gratification, but He wants to teach and grow me up!
In all the drama, there were words I didn't think were right, things said that were untrue and the situation was dealt with in a way I never would have understood if I didn't have Him to tell me what the truth was in it.
After the spinning out, the only way to stop was to curl up next to Him and LISTEN!
Now I am soaking, listening and being taught by the best teacher. 

6 Oh, blessed be God!
He didn't go off and leave us.
He didn't abandon us defenseless,
helpless as a rabbit in a pack of snarling dogs.

Last week I was the helpless rabbit (by choice) but still was in his hands
This week I am in His hands and LOVING IT!!

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