Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Set Up

Still trying to stand in the waves and feel the Lord's presence.  I have been "busy" really too busy.  I am planning the Fundraiser for Women Getting Real, Writing for Sweetly Broken Retreat, work and just doing life.  I went to Abiding Glory tonight to meet Jana to look at the space for the event.  I walked in and there were people walking around and waiting for something special (I felt they were!).  As I walked around scoping the place out (by the way if you are going to the Fundraiser it is an amazing place), I felt my heart calm down and my soul felt at ease.  I didn't know what it was until, they started worship.
  I was there to map out, get ideas and work on the event.  Well, I thought I was.  The Lord had a different thought in mind.  They sang with so much heart and passion.  The people started coming up to sing, dance and praise the Lord.  It was freeing to just watch so many different people worshiping in their own way.  I sat watching.  I was in awe of the freedom in that place. 
I am a dancer and a mover when it comes to worshiping, but I have never seen so much heart in worshiping.
I still sat down, my legs didn't move.  I was stuck to close my eyes and listen. 
In that moment part of my heart changed.  I am in a rut, almost like Jonah in the Whale.  Smelly, gross, mushy and dark. 
At that moment everything looked different.  It was a supernatural experience.  On the outside looking at me you wouldn't see anything different.  But on the inside, I was in awe.  I saw light, a new journey and a different God.
I heard Him speak (which has been a while!), I have courage, strength and passion.  There is a new way for me, out of the Whale and into the land to shine.  I am refreshed, loved and more vision on where we are going.   I was set up to see light. I was set up for transformation. I was set up with my father to love on me.  I was set up to soak. I was set up for more freedom.

I was set up for more walls to fall.

Thank You Lord, thank you.

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