Thursday, December 22, 2011

A gift, a sacrifice, a friend and a sister

Today was a day I will never forget. I received a gift from my sister and friend today.  It was special, more special than anyone can imagine.  She listened to the Lord, she was obedient and faithful.  He asked her to make something for me and she obeyed.  Not only did she listened it was a two person job.  Her husband used his sweet hands and heart to make this gift with her. 

For the past month I have been back and forth with the Lord with questions about my abortions.  What did my kids say when they saw you for the first time?  Were they scared when the procedure was happening?  Did they ask about me?  Were you there?   I am a curious, worried and hopeful mother wondering what was happening in their little minds.  Another question that is brewing around me is, I have been asked to be in 2 delivery rooms with my friends to be with them and watch the miracle happen.  Not just hear say but right there in the moment.
This season of questions has brought me closer to the Lord but also comes with many emotions and thoughts.  I call Satan Shamu, when Shamu kills and destroys his trainer (or another animal) he watches, waits and then pounces on his prey.  He grabs them by the body and destroys the person.  He places them where he wants them and torments them.  I am trying to have you understand where I have been for this season.  Tormented, letting Shamu take control in secret places of my heart.

I was processing all the emotions today and trying to see what He was trying to tell me. 

I received a sweet revelation, I was not able to give birth to my kids, I was asked a year ago to be in the room for one of my friends, and now one of my close friends asked me to be in the room for her baby in June.  He is giving me a gift of a lifetime.  I am able to experience 2 births. I get to watch,  hold her hand, see a miracle happen.
Today Shamu was taken out by my mighty Dad!
I was given a gift from Him that I am forever changed.  I rejoiced with my kids and Kelly's kids today.  I danced, laughed and got backup.  My kids are with me, they are in that nest, watching, rejoicing and defiantly dancing with our Father.  I am overwhelmed by the gift and kiss from the Lord.  I am taken back by Kelly's gift that she sacrificed time and energy to faithfully finish this.  I am overjoyed by Adam, the Good Pastor helping his wife in a place she needed help.  I am a lucky girl!

What a mighty God we have, what a redemption story He loves to tell. 

The only way to Freedom is through submission and the only way to victory is through surrender!!


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