Tuesday, May 1, 2012

He Wants Only Our Heart

Song of Solomon 2:10-14

Get up, my dear friend,    fair and beautiful lover—come to me!Look around you: Winter is over;    the winter rains are over, gone!Spring flowers are in blossom all over.    The whole world's a choir—and singing!Spring warblers are filling the forest    with sweet arpeggios.Lilacs are exuberantly purple and perfumed,    and cherry trees fragrant with blossoms.Oh, get up, dear friend,    my fair and beautiful lover—come to me!Come, my shy and modest dove—    leave your seclusion, come out in the open.Let me see your face,    let me hear your voice.For your voice is soothing    and your face is ravishing

Two years ago on Valentines Day gave me this passage.  It was after my abortion retreat, I was blown away.  I didn't really understand what it all meant, but I knew one day He would show me.  

I was at church last Sunday listening to John Wood and his teaching.  I look down and the card that this passage was in my bible!  I asked the Lord, "okay, what does this mean NOW?"

A little background:
This past couple weeks have been challenging.  A lot of change happening.  The Lord blew up a lot of what was comfortable to me, He took me out of certain parts of my life that I thought would be forever.  I was happy where I was, I was comfortable, I was content, but I wasn't where He wanted me.  Situations happened so quickly and wowza I was done with the season of comfort!  I kept asking and telling Him, what do I do now?  Where do I go?  Am I still a part of something? I don't think I can trust you now, I am NOT happy about this!

By the way He LOVES hearing your REAL heart, your real cries and your real frustrations.

So back to me at church!  I was reading the passage again, thinking to myself "why am I reading this."  He told me to only read the first sentence.

"Get up, my dear friend,    fair and beautiful lover—come to me!"

He just wants ME.  He has always just wanted my heart.  He will take care of all my concerns, dreams and hurts.  But for today He only wants my heart.  
He only wants your heart.

I think we complicate things too fast.  Simplify to one thought "HE ONLY WANTS OUR HEART"  The rest He will take care of.

He only wants me to run to him and focus on one thing-HIM, don't read on, don't skip pages, don't over analyze the passage and don't try to run in front of me.
The dreams and wants are on His timeline.  Of course, have the desires, but I will tell you when you trust and wait His timing is always better than ours.

Excited for the change and I will trust Him.

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