Friday, February 25, 2011


      Have you ever felt like you are being pulled in many places with the Lord?  I am the student who has a hard time focusing on one thing.  He wants to teach me so much right now but sometimes I don’t think I am listening or paying attention.  I am feeling as if I am in Middle School again trying to understand math.  If I put forth the effort I could understand in time, but back then I chose to fail and now I Crave to succeed.  What does that look like? I am getting these pictures of where the Lord wants to take me, to be honest I almost pee my pants in excitement, anticipation and I am petrified.  I am excited because I see so much of his work being done and I get to be a part of that. Petrified because what if I screw it up!  As I say those words Screw it up, I get a whisper from the Lord, going-NOPE! I don’t think he is big enough to take care of a mess up? I don’t think his Grace will cover that mess up? I will mess up and I will say something wrong! The best part of all that is I get to have him to teach me and guide me.  It sounds very churchy but it is true.  I am so eager and willing to see what will happen but as for right now I need to focus on today and NOW and what we are doing with today! Because honestly he will take care of the rest of it

Lord, Thank You so much for just today and being here with me right  now in Books A Million! I pray that wherever you take me that you hold on tight and don’t let go.  Sometimes I am so scared you will let go, but then you always show up. There is a song that comes to my mind is better is one day, because better is one day in your courts, better is one day in your house, better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere.  I love you so much and thanks for teaching and training me for what will come.  Better IS one day, In Jesus Name, Amen


  1. :) So true, thank you! I need to focus more on today, my kids today, my marriage today, my body TODAY! I think we are all guilty of looking to the future.

  2. Thank for the sweet words, Sometimes I think I am the only one!!!!!! BTW miss you and I am loving your pics
